Man, some days all your hard work really does pay off. In this case, getting a glowing review the newest Ex Occultus comic I wrote (“Seal of Solomon”) from the gang over at Aint It Cool News just makes any and all stresses melt away.
If you’re not familiar, this is one of the BIGGEST movie/comic/TV news sites on the web, so the fact they not only read and liked the comic, but featured it in their Wednesday post is just plain awesome. A bit of what the reviewer, Mr. Pasty, had to say:
What I like most about this book is how Russell slowly peels back the layers of his narrative so that as we get further into the story we begin to understand that returning the ring to its rightful (?) owner is just a small piece of this supernatural puzzle.
Yay! Check out the full review here, and, don’t make me remind you again, folks…you can get your very own copy of “Seal of Solomon” right here.