New story “Get Loose” at Action, Spectacle

Delighted to have my story “Get Loose”–my first fiction piece in a bit–in the new issue of Action, Spectacle. Huge shout-out to Adam Day and guest editor Caitlin Horrocks for taking this one, all about mothers and horses and frayed filial relationships and learning to move forward.

Note: There is some gruesome language in this piece, but no gruesome acts are shown.

New comic “A Splendid Failure” at Collected Rejections

I’m thrilled to have my new comic “A Splendid Failure” featured in Collected Rejections‘ “On Rejection” series. This series features writers discussing painful rejections and what they learned from them; given the direction of my work these days, I opted to turn my interview into a comic where I discuss two failed novels and how this pushed me toward graphic memoir.

I have a snippet below, and you can read the full thing here. A big thanks to Valorie Clark for asking me to take part!

New Cover Art for Great Plains Quarterly

I‘m thrilled to share that my cover art has been featured on the latest issue of Great Plains Quarterly! This is my first-ever cover & I’m incredibly grateful to the GPQ team for giving me this opportunity.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Great Plains region or just want to check out some stunning work, I highly recommend picking up a copy of the new issue. You can find it online at, or through the University of Nebraska Press.

New comic “Midwest Moon Walk” at The New Territory

Honored to have a comic—my first in print!—in Issue 13 of The New Territory. I was asked to make a comic about a place in the Lower Midwest that speaks to me. I chose Toadstool Geological Park, way up in northwestern Nebraska, a place so full of wonder and awe.

(Info on Toadstool.)

Highly recommend picking up a copy of this gorgeous issue yourself.