Two more reviews of ‘Sex Scene’

The first, from Quiet Riot Girl:

Sex Scene Anthology blurs the boundaries between all these things, and in doing that, it does what the best writing can do. It helps us imagine how things could be different, and lives, including our sex lives, more free.”

Make sure you check out her sites:

The second, from PJ Fletcher:

“If you have the time, I urge you to read [Sex Scene: An Anthology]. The collection was stimulating (I typed that with a straight face), and it did have an impact on me, maybe it will affect you too.”

Moxie Mezcal reviews ‘Sex Scene’

A new (and awesome) review of Sex Scene: An Anthology is up over at

A sample: “It’s extremely satisfying as a reader to play armchair psychoanalyst while noting the divergent styles and comfort levels in handling the subject matter.”

Check out the full review here.

If you haven’t already done so, you can get Sex Scene through Lulu:
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Paperback ($6.50)