I’m going to sound like a broken record, but I mean it: Midwestern Gothic Issue 11 (Fall 2013)—devoted entirely to Creative Nonfiction—is my favorite issue yet.
See, we’ve wanted to do something with CNF since our inception, but have struggled to figure out a way to include it (organically, anyway), so when we decided that this year’s theme issue (well, in this case, genre issue) should be CNF, it just seemed like a no-brainer. And while I’m a fiction man at heart, I love the personal experiences in the essays we’ve included that, truthfully, can’t often be captured in fiction and poetry. Ultimately, since the goal of Midwestern Gothic is to paint a portrait of the region and of the people who are inspired by it, it makes sense that we’d want to further elaborate on this canvas in a way we haven’t done before and I am absolutely floored by the final product.