Gawker had a cool article up this week about how traditional journalism is dying, the journalists themselves being replaced with programmers who understand the importance of a digital presence in the media today. And, since I work closely with such delicious coding on a daily basis, I like what this article has to say.
Think what you want about digital content, e-books and the death of print (according to some, which I personally don’t believe in), but the digital age is here to stay. Every high-tech gadget being released, every new website that’s a must-read, these things are drawing us closer together and making us even more dependent on the internet and our shiny new toys.
Anyway, I’m not a detractor, I love technology, just an interesting point to think about. People want to praise how great print is (and it is pretty great), but it’s really subjective – a generation from now people will be far more familiar with non-print media, the same way writing a letter with a pen and paper is alien to me. It’s the way of the world, and even with the onslaught of this new age of communication and content, I don’t believe print will fully die – and I’m saying this as a writer with some hopeful optimism, yes. I mean, I don’t think I’d be too upset if my book got published in a digital format rather than printing. Published is published, right?
Anyway, check the article out here if you’re so inclined. Good stuff.