I had an incredible trip to Paris in late May. Stunning, relaxing, invigorating: I came back writing a storm, just totally inspired. It was exactly what I needed.
It also helped that I was able to see various bookstores as I wandered throughout the city (seriously, Paris is a very literary city!), not to mention the plethora of stalls along the Seine selling used and rare books, vintage magazines, posters…you name it.
Most impressive bookstore: Shakespeare and Company (founded 1922) – A haven for writers and readers, including some of my heroes, this place is legendary and did not disappoint.
Next on my list: Librairie Ulysse (founded 1971) – The world’s first travel bookstore that’s still alive and kicking. Quaint and crowded…but in the best possible ways.
On top of all of this, the apartment I had rented out had a working Olympia Traveller typewriter (vintage!)—I grew up on typewriters, so it was especially great to be able to channel all of these inspirations into some hypnotic clacking during the evenings. Really, I forgot how much I missed these things…
All-in-all, Paris is still at the top of my list of world’s great cities, and gave me the literary kick-in-the-pants I so desperately needed. Voila!